MARC Batch Edit


This function is used to batch edit MARC records either adding a field, removing a field or changing the contents of a field.

What MARC Batch Edit Can and Can’t Do

MARC Batch Edit is a powerful tool, but it also has some limitations. This tool can do the following tasks to a group of MARC records:

  • Remove all instances of a specific tag (e.g. remove all 992 tags)

  • Remove all instances of a specific tag if a particular subfield has a particular value (e.g. remove all 650 fields in which the $2 is fast)

  • Remove all instances of a specific subfield (e.g. remove all 245$h)

  • Remove all instances of a specific set of subfields

  • Add a field

  • Add a subfield to an existing field

  • Replace data in a specific field or subfield

It cannot do more advanced tasks, such as:

  • Swapping data from one field to another

  • Deduplicating MARC records

  • Complex logic based on existing data

For more advanced projects, you may wish to export your records and use a free tool such as MARCEdit or PyMarc.

Setting Up a Batch Edit Session

Record Source

This includes options to batch edit identifying MARC records in a record bucket, CSV file or by record id.

Go! (button)

This button runs the action defined by the rule template(s).

Action (Rule Type)


Replaces the value in a MARC field for a batch of records.


Removes a MARC field and its contents from the batch of records.


Use this to add a field and its contents to a batch of records.

Other Template Fields


This is used to identify the field for adding, replacing, or deleting.

Subfield (optional)

Indicates which subfield is being edited.


Use this to indicate the data to add or used in replacing the existing data.

Advanced Matching Restrictions (Optional)

Subfield Regular Expression:: Using PERL syntax for a regular expression to identify the data to be removed or replaced.

Running a Template to Add, Delete, or Replace MARC data
  1. Click Cataloging→MARC Batch Edit

  2. Select Record source

  3. Select the appropriate bucket, load the CSV file or enter record id depending on Record source selected

  4. Select the Action Rule

  5. Enter the MARC Tag with no indicators (eg. 245)

  6. Enter the subfields with no spaces. Subfields are optional. Multiple subfield can be entered such as auz.

  7. Enter the MARC Data which is the value in the fields

  8. Enter optional Advanced Matching Restrictions

    1. Subfield

    2. Regular Expression (using PERL syntax)

  9. Click Go!

  10. Results page will display indicating the number of records successfully edited


Adding a new field to all records

  1. In the action menu, choose Add.

  2. In MARC Tag, type the MARC tag number.

  3. Leave the Subfields field blank.

  4. In MARC Data, type the field you would like to add.

Delete a field if it contains a particular string

  1. In the action menu, choose Delete.

  2. In MARC Tag, type the MARC tag number.

  3. Leave the Subfields field blank.

  4. In MARC Data, type the field you would like to add.

  5. In the subfield field under Advanced Matching Restriction, type the subfield code where you expect to see the string.

  6. In Regular Expression, type the string you expect to see.