Support Scripts

Various scripts are included with Evergreen in the /openils/bin/ directory (and in the source code in Open-ILS/src/support-scripts and Open-ILS/src/extras). Some of them are used during the installation process, such as eg_db_config, while others are usually run as cron jobs for routine maintenance, such as and Others are useful for less frequent needs, such as the scripts for importing/exporting MARC records. You may explore these scripts and adapt them for your local needs. You are also welcome to share your improvements or ask any questions on the Evergreen IRC channel or email lists.

Here is a summary of the most commonly used scripts. The script name links to more thorough documentation, if available.

  • — Groups together event output for already processed events. Useful for creating files that contain data from a group of events. Such as a CSV file with all the overdue data for one day.

  • — Useful for creating events for specified hooks and running pending events

  • — Links reference headings in authority records to main entry headings in other authority records. Should be run at least once a day (only for changed records).

  • — Links bibliographic records to the best matching authority record. Should be run at least once a day (only for changed records). You can accomplish this by running --days-back=1

  • — Generates web files used by the OPAC, especially files related to organization unit hierarchy, fieldmapper IDL, locales selection, facet definitions, compressed JS files and related cache key

  • — Used to start and stop the reporter (which runs scheduled reports)

  • eg_db_config — Creates database and schema, updates config files, sets Evergreen administrator username and password



  • — Converts authority records from MARC format to Evergreen objects suitable for importing via (or

  • — This experimental script is responsible for generating the enhanced concerto dataset from a live Evergreen database.

  • — Converts bibliographic records from MARC format to Evergreen objects suitable for importing via (or

  • — Converts serial records from MARC format to Evergreen objects suitable for importing via (or

  • marc_export — Exports authority, bibliographic, and serial holdings records into any of these formats: USMARC, UNIMARC, XML, BRE, ARE

  • osrf_control — Used to start, stop and send signals to OpenSRF services

  • — Uses the output of (or similar tools) to generate the SQL for importing records into Evergreen in a parallel fashion

  • — Batch load patrons from csv file data.

authority_control_fields: Connecting Bibliographic and Authority records

This script matches headings in bibliographic records to the appropriate authority records. When it finds a match, it will add a subfield 0 to the matching bibliographic field.

Here is how the matching works:

Bibliographic field Authority field it matches Subfields that it examines

























































a,d,f,g,h,k,l,m,n,o,p,r,s,t Generating Evergreen enhanced datasets

This script makes it possible to continue to improve/maintain the Evergreen enhanced dataset. This script requires access to a Postgres database. It will automate the process of making the enhanced dataset match the current branch of Evergreen. You need to provide the login credentials to the database as well as a path to the Evergreen repository where you’re currently on the intended branch.

This script has known bugs and should be considered experimental. Its output should be carefully reviewed before committing changes to to Evergreen or opening a pull request for updating the dataset.

Generate new dataset from existing DB

This command will produce new output sql from an already-existing database. It requires that you’ve also pre-created a PG database representing the "seed" database. The seed database is an Evergreen database created without data but from the branch of Evergreen that matches the dataset’s branch.

./ \
--db-host localhost \
--db-user evergreen \
--db-pass evergreen \
--db-port 5432 \
--db-name eg_enhanced \
--output-folder output \
--seed-db-name seed_from_1326 \
--evergreen-repo /home/opensrf/repos/Evergreen

If you don’t have a seed database, you can omit it, and the software will make one based upon the version we find in the file <output_folder>/config.upgrade_log.sql

./ \
--db-host localhost \
--db-user evergreen \
--db-pass evergreen \
--db-port 5432 \
--db-name eg_enhanced \
--output-folder output \
--evergreen-repo /home/opensrf/repos/Evergreen

Or, you can have this software make a seed DB, and that’s all it will do. The version of Evergreen it will use will be found in <output_folder>/config.upgrade_log.sql

./ \
--db-host localhost \
--db-user evergreen \
--db-pass evergreen \
--db-port 5432 \
--output-folder output \
--evergreen-repo /home/opensrf/repos/Evergreen \

Or, you can have this software make a seed DB based on your specified version of Evergreen

./ \
--db-host localhost \
--db-user evergreen \
--db-pass evergreen \
--db-port 5432 \
--output-folder output \
--evergreen-repo /home/opensrf/repos/Evergreen \
--create-seed-db \
--seed-from-egdbid 1350

Upgrade a previously-created dataset

Use this when cutting new releases of Evergreen and you want to include the enhanced dataset to match. It will use the current git branch found in the provided path to the EG repo.

./ \
--db-host localhost \
--db-user evergreen \
--db-pass evergreen \
--db-port 5432 \
--output-folder output \
--evergreen-repo /home/opensrf/repos/Evergreen \

Test the existing dataset

Create a new database and restore the dataset. The software will first create a database that matches the version of Evergreen in the dataset output folder, then restore the dataset into the newly created database.

./ \
--db-host localhost \
--db-user evergreen \
--db-pass evergreen \
--db-port 5432 \
--output-folder output \
--evergreen-repo /home/opensrf/repos/Evergreen \

marc_export: Exporting Bibliographic Records into MARC files

The following procedure explains how to export Evergreen bibliographic records into MARC files using the marc_export support script. All steps should be performed by the opensrf user from your Evergreen server.

Processing time for exporting records depends on several factors such as the number of records you are exporting. It is recommended that you divide the export ID files (records.txt) into a manageable number of records if you are exporting a large number of records.
  1. Create a text file list of the Bibliographic record IDs you would like to export from Evergreen. One way to do this is using SQL:

    SELECT DISTINCT FROM biblio.record_entry AS bre
        JOIN asset.call_number AS acn ON acn.record = and not acn.deleted
        WHERE bre.deleted='false' and owning_lib=101 \g /home/opensrf/records.txt;

    This query creates a file called records.txt containing a column of distinct IDs of items owned by the organizational unit with the id 101.

  2. Navigate to the support-scripts folder

    cd /home/opensrf/Evergreen-ILS*/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/
  3. Run marc_export, using the ID file you created in step 1 to define which files to export. The following example exports the records into MARCXML format.

    cat /home/opensrf/records.txt | ./marc_export --store -i -c /openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml \
        -x /openils/conf/fm_IDL.xml -f XML --timeout 5 > exported_files.xml

marc_export does not output progress as it executes.


The marc_export support script includes several options. You can find a complete list by running ./marc_export -h. A few key options are also listed below:

--descendants and --library

The marc_export script has two related options, --descendants and --library. Both options take one argument of an organizational unit

The --library option will export records with holdings at the specified organizational unit only. By default, this only includes physical holdings, not electronic ones (also known as located URIs).

The descendants option works much like the --library option except that it is aware of the org. tree and will export records with holdings at the specified organizational unit and all of its descendants. This is handy if you want to export the records for all of the branches of a system. You can do that by specifying this option and the system’s shortname, instead of specifying multiple --library options for each branch.

Both the --library and --descendants options can be repeated. All of the specified org. units and their descendants will be included in the output. You can also combine --library and --descendants options when necessary.


If you want to use the --library and --descendants options with a list of bib ids from standard input, you can make use of the --pipe option.

If you have a master list of bib ids, and only want to export bibs that have holdings from certain owning libraries then this option will help you reach that goal.

It will not work to combine --all or --since with --pipe.


The --items option will add an 852 field for every relevant item to the MARC record. This 852 field includes the following information:

Subfield Contents

$b (occurrence 1)

Call number owning library shortname

$b (occurrence 2)

Item circulating library shortname


Shelving location


Circulation modifier


Call number


Call number prefix


Call number suffix






Copy number


Miscellaneous item information




You can use the --since option to export records modified after a certain date and time.


By default, marc_export will use the reporter storage service, which should work in most cases. But if you have a separate reporter database and you know you want to talk directly to your main production database, then you can set the --store option to cstore or storage.


The --uris option (short form: -u) allows you to export records with located URIs (i.e. electronic resources). When used by itself, it will export only records that have located URIs. When used in conjunction with --items, it will add records with located URIs but no items/copies to the output. If combined with a --library or --descendants option, this option will limit its output to those records with URIs at the designated libraries. The best way to use this option is in combination with the --items and one of the --library or --descendants options to export all of a library’s holdings both physical and electronic.


Ensure all leaders are exactly 24 characters long via adding or removing characters to maximize compatibility with other systems.

Patron Loader

A script for bulk loading and updating patrons from the server exists in Open-ILS/src/support-scripts called It is installed to <prefix>/bin (/openils/bin/ for standard installs). It can be run manually or from cron.

Sample invocation:

./ --db evergreen --dbhost myserver -dbuser admin --dbpw demo123 --file sample.csv --org_unit INNS --date_format "MM/DD/YYYY" --default_password 4444 --alert_message "patron has left swim cap at desk"  --debug

Required parameters:

--file path to the CSV file used as the data source
--org_unit the org unit name of the org unit patrons are being loaded for
  used to match mapped variables

Optional parameters:

--help or --h shows the help
Database settings loaded by default from opensrf.xml. Use the --nobootstrap option if you want to prevent this behavior.
--db the Evergreen database (defaults to the one established in opensrf.xml)
--dbuser the user of the Evergreen database
--dbhost the ip or domain name of the Evergreen database
--dbport Evergreen database port, defaults to 5432
--delimiter defaults to a comma can be any other delimiter usable by TEXT::CSV
--debug using this will assume you do not want to commit
  any database transactions and will print the SQL that would do so to STDOUT
--matchpoint defaults to 'usrname', can also be 'cardnumber'
--date_format used if dates are not in a 'YYYY-MM-DD' format
--ident_type available as a field but rarely used in export sources so it can
  be specified from the command line
--default_password allows you to define a default password for accounts where one
  is not defined in the file, be very careful, this option is dangerous as it
  _will_ overwrite existing passwords
  if some rows have a passwd value and the default is used the default will only
  be used where the column is null
--alert_message this is meant for scenarios where the script is being used for bulk
  loading students and an alert message is needed such as "verify address"
  it only adds an alert and does not check for duplications
  sending library will be set to the org unit used in the parameters
--alert_title defaults to 'Needs Staff Attention', only appears when --alert_message
  is defined
--profile if no profile is given in the file one can be specified by parameter,
  if a combination of parameter and in file is used the parameter will be used as
  a fall back from the file
--home_org if no library is provided in the file it can be overridden by this, like
  similar settings if a column with library is present but null in a given row
  this will be used instead; expects short org name
  if set will allow you to only have cardnumber or usrname but it must also
  be your matchpoint, e.g. if you have a cardnumber but not username and cardnumber
  if your matchpoint with this set the cardnumber will be used for both
--nobootstrap do not load DB config from opensrf.xml

Required Columns:

  • cardnumber - unless using usrname as matchpoint and --fill_with_matchpoint is used

  • usrname - unless using cardnumber as matchpoint and --fill_with_matchpoint is used

  • profile - unless --profile is used

  • home_library - unless --home_org is used

  • family_name

  • first_given_name

Although data for the above columns are optional in some situations the columns still need to exist in the file.

Optional Columns:

ident_type   <-- needs id value, not string
passwd       <-- if not supplied for a new user a random one will be created on NULL or empty string


Not all data sources can customize the data exported to the CSV so some mapping is allowed.

The config.patron_loader_header_map table allows for mapping incoming header names to ones that are natively expected. For example, imagine that a school wants to use the 'uid' as password and the column header will always read 'uid' then you can enter it like this:

import_header: 'uid'
default_header: 'passwd'

Two value types can currently be mapped as well, 'home_library' and 'profile' in patron_loader_value_map. These map values in their respective columns instead of the headers. For example, imagine a school who exports student profiles of 'Middle School' and 'High School' but both need to load as the Evergreen profile of 'Student'. It would be represented with two entries:

mapping_type: 'profile'
import_value: 'Middle School'
native_value: 'Student'
mapping_type: 'profile'
import_value: 'High School'
native_value: 'Student'

You can also map home libraries like this:

mapping_type: 'home_library'
import_value: 'South West Elementary'
native_value: 'BR1'

As a convention the Evergreen database column names are mostly used for the actor.usr columns but it was found in testing that home_ou was very confusing so the label of 'library' is used instead and internally adjusted to use 'home_ou'.

The column ident_type is treated specially. It is required by actor.usr and does not have a default but usually doesn’t correspond to a exported value from others systems so it defaults to '3' or 'Other' but you can define it through an optional parameter.


The script is very conservative checking for an existing cardnumber and usrname. If either is found on an account that differs from the one using the match point then it will skip adding or updating that user. The match point specified is considered authoritative and it will update the matching account unless debug is on.

Currently only two set of address columns are supported add1_foo and add2_foo. The script assumes the addresses being added are authoritative mailing addresses, removes any existing mailing addresses, adds these and sets the user’s mailing_address field to the one from the addr1_street1 field or addr2_street1 if there is no addr1_street1. If only a partial address is given the entire address will be written so long as there is a street1. Empty strings will be used for the other values. If there is no address given then addresses will not be touched. Part of the aggressiveness of removing non-specified addresses is to ensure identifying information for patrons is removed when updating, especially for the use case of schools bulk updating juveniles.

Database and Logging:

The database holds a actor.patron_loader_log table that logs sessions and failed rows.

Parallel Ingest with

A program named allows fast bibliographic record ingest. It performs ingest in parallel so that multiple batches can be done simultaneously. It operates by splitting the records to be ingested up into batches and running all of the ingest methods on each batch. You may pass in options to control how many batches are run at the same time, how many records there are per batch, and which ingest operations to skip.

The browse ingest is presently done in a single process over all of the input records as it cannot run in parallel with itself. It does, however, run in parallel with the other ingests.

Command Line Options accepts the following command line options:


The server where PostgreSQL runs (either host name or IP address). The default is read from the PGHOST environment variable or "localhost."


The port that PostgreSQL listens to on host. The default is read from the PGPORT environment variable or 5432.


The database to connect to on the host. The default is read from the PGDATABASE environment variable or "evergreen."


The username for database connections. The default is read from the PGUSER environment variable or "evergreen."


The password for database connections. The default is read from the PGPASSWORD environment variable or "evergreen."


Number of records to process per batch. The default is 10,000.


Max number of worker processes (i.e. the number of batches to process simultaneously). The default is 8.


Skip the selected reingest component.


This option allows the user to specify which record attributes to reingest. It can be used one or more times to specify one or more attributes to ingest. It can be omitted to reingest all record attributes. This option is ignored if the --skip-attrs option is used.

The --attr option is most useful after doing something specific that requires only a partial ingest of records. For instance, if you add a new language to the config.coded_value_map table, you will want to reingest the item_lang attribute on all of your records. The following command line will do that, and only that, ingest:

$ /openils/bin/ --skip-browse --skip-search --skip-facets \
    --skip-display --attr=item_lang

This option will rebuild the reporter.materialized_simple_record (rmsr) table after the ingests are complete.

This option might prove useful if you want to rebuild the table as part of a larger reingest. If all you wish to do is to rebuild the rmsr table, then it would be just as simple to connect to the database server and run the following SQL:

SELECT reporter.refresh_materialized_simple_record();

Importing Authority Records from Command Line

The major advantages of the command line approach are its speed and its convenience for system administrators who can perform bulk loads of authority records in a controlled environment. For alternate instructions, see the cataloging manual.

  1. Run against the authority records, specifying the user name, password, MARC type (USMARC or XML). Use STDOUT redirection to either pipe the output directly into the next command or into an output file for inspection. For example, to process a file with authority records in MARCXML format named auth_small.xml using the default user name and password, and directing the output into a file named auth.are:

    cd Open-ILS/src/extras/import/
    perl --user admin --pass open-ils --marctype XML auth_small.xml > auth.are
    The MARC type will default to USMARC if the --marctype option is not specified.
  2. Run to generate the SQL necessary for importing the authority records into your system. This script will create files in your current directory with filenames like pg_loader-output.are.sql and pg_loader-output.sql (which runs the previous SQL file). To continue with the previous example by processing our new auth.are file:

    cd Open-ILS/src/extras/import/
    perl --auto are --order are auth.are
    To save time for very large batches of records, you could simply pipe the output of directly into
  3. Load the authority records from the SQL file that you generated in the last step into your Evergreen database using the psql tool. Assuming the default user name, host name, and database name for an Evergreen instance, that command looks like:

    psql -U evergreen -h localhost -d evergreen -f pg_loader-output.sql

Juvenile-to-adult batch script

The batch juv_to_adult.srfsh script is responsible for toggling a patron from juvenile to adult. It should be set up as a cron job.

This script changes patrons to adult when they reach the age value set in the library setting named "Juvenile Age Threshold" (global.juvenile_age_threshold). When no library setting value is present at a given patron’s home library, the value passed in to the script will be used as a default.

MARC Stream Importer

The MARC Stream Importer can import authority records or bibliographic records. A single running instance of the script can import either type of record, based on the record leader.

This support script has its own configuration file, marc_stream_importer.conf, which includes settings related to logs, ports, uses, and access control.

By default, will typically be located in the /openils/bin directory. marc_stream_importer.conf will typically be located in /openils/conf.

The importer is even more flexible than the staff client import, including the following options:

  • --bib-auto-overlay-exact and --auth-auto-overlay-exact: overlay/merge on exact 901c matches

  • --bib-auto-overlay-1match and --auth-auto-overlay-1match: overlay/merge when exactly one match is found

  • --bib-auto-overlay-best-match and --auth-auto-overlay-best-match: overlay/merge on best match

  • --bib-import-no-match and --auth-import-no-match: import when no match is found

One advantage to using this tool instead of the staff client Import interface is that the MARC Stream Importer can load a group of files at once.